Life Continuum

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Browsing Tag: Business

Education, Health, Marketing

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Medical Practice

Starting a medical practice can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but there are a few common mistakes to avoid if you want to make it a successful venture. One of the most important things to do is to make sure you have the right tools and resources to help you succeed. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the legal and ethical obligations that come with practicing medicine.…

Blogging, Education, Law

Ways to Stop Counterfeit Money in Your Business

Unfortunately, no one is immune to the fact that at one point counterfeit money will be in your cash register or wallet. Fraudsters have learned to create such banknotes with security features that can be easily mistaken for real ones with the naked eye. Therefore, everyone needs to know about the differences between genuine and counterfeit banknotes to protect themselves from counterfeit money, as well as be prepared to respond quickly if a counterfeit bill did get into your hands.…